
The Euclid Transactional, LLC Caregiver ERG was founded in 2023

Mission Statement

The Caregiver ERG is an all-inclusive group that provides a safe and welcoming community for all caregivers and families. We strive to foster connection and empowerment through an internal support system, creating learning and development opportunities, by acting as a liaison to management, and by serving our external community.

ERG Goals

The Caregiver ERG was created to meet four primary goals:

  1. Acting as an Internal Support System The ERG embraces a culture of inclusion for all Euclid team members that are caregivers in any stage of family life, focusing on a mentorship program and sharing resources on how to balance work and home life.
  2. Learning & Development The ERG provides opportunities to educate all our colleagues on topics related to caregiving and families.
  3. Liaison to Management The ERG promotes appreciation for and awareness of the diversity that caregivers bring to Euclid. We act as a liaison to management to gather and relay input from members on areas of concerns or opportunities for caregiver team members.
  4. External Community In line with Euclid’s culture of service, the ERG supports local charities related to caregiving.


If you would like to get in touch, inquire about collaborations, or have any other questions, please reach out to:

Heather Cavanagh (she/her)
Chair of the Caregiver ERG
Email: [email protected]

Aina Acosta (she/her)
Chief Culture Officer
Email: [email protected]